Around the middle of last year I fell out of love with my previous car and after much deliberation of what to have next, I decided a Golf R was the one for me! Before buying the R I had fancied a TTRS and went to view a couple towards the end of last year, but to cut along story short, I didn't end up buying either. I have always enjoyed the look of the mk6 R and I also the rarity of them is something else I like (Apart from when it comes to locating/buying one).
One of the criteria of the new car was it had to have a lot of potential for modification, especially as it has less power from the factory than what it replaces. After a lot of research and coming across Hurdy's build thread among others I had made my mind up.
So after checking autotrader/pistonheads/ebay almost every day for a few months I found this Deep Black example and after viewing and test driving it, as well as a helping of peer pressure, I bit the bullet and brought it.

(Points to whoever can guess my old car in the background

My plan for it even before buying it was to get it to S2+ ready for the summer, so after a week or 2 the first mod was purchased - an Evoms intake kit.

Next up was a Peron intercooler, after reading a lot of good reviews about them. This was fitted last week after much swearing and a couple of broken plastic clips.

And this is where i'm up to now. Exhaust is next I think, which was going to be a Milltek but after a few people have said about it i'm quite tempted by a BCS. Would be interested to hear opinions from anyone who has got one of these.
Future ideas after S2+ are wheels and coilovers, and possibly a BT build in a years time or so.
I will try to keep this updated, but for any one on instagram feel free to follow me
@joms6r Thanks for reading, James.