Been quite hectic week on the Golf but made a big step forward, which didn't look like it was going to happen at one point! It's now running at Stage 2+

As some may know I put in an order on the BCS group buy for a Powervalve exhaust which was unfortunately delayed by a few weeks due to problems with their supply of valves. Would like to say thanks to
@nige bcs for doing his best to process my order as fast as possible, the system got to me literally just in the nick of time.

Got a call at midday Wednesday to say the system was all finished and luckily my dad was passing so picked it up at about 4pm. When I finished work I went straight over to my mates unit and we started taking the old system off at 5.30pm. Within 3 minutes of the last downpipe bolt being removed, my dad turned up and we got cracking fitting the Powervalve system at 8pm. By the time we finished fitting it, done the valve plumbing and changed the oil the clock had ticked midnight but it still needed testing. Que a few high speed runs in the early hours of Thursday morning down the bypass:

After a few hours sleep it was time to get up and make the trip up to R-Tech for Niki to work his magic at midday Thursday:

And the results were in: 362hp and 382ft/lb. Niki said it still had a bit more to go but clutch couldn't take it, the difference is night and day though! The car pulls much harder and you can really feel the linear map as you go through the gears. Flat-shift is nice too!
So thats going to be it for a while, clutch and a few little bits will be next.