Thought it's about time to update this now the brakes are on:

Full spec as follows:
Lamborghini/RS4/R8 8 pot Brembo calipers painted in Arancio Borealis.
AKS supplied DaveB kit with 362mm floating AP discs, custom lines and carriers.
Pagid RS4-2 blue pads
H&R hubsentric spacer on standard 19" wheel
Initially hoped I could get away with a 5mm spacer but had an emergency trip to Alex's mid job to swap for an 8mm one as it was just too tight.
Was planning to upgrade to a TTRS master cylinder but I'll see how it goes with the standard one after they've fully bedded in, doesn't feel to bad at the min. Still using the standard rear setup too but was speaking to @hurdy at inters about using stock calipers with bigger discs.
Loving them already, can't wait to start pushing them once the pads and discs have fully bedded in