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Author Topic: Rcd 510 dab question  (Read 1527 times)

Offline Washout

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Rcd 510 dab question
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:54:27 pm »
Hello chaps and chappesses, so I've been rooting around ebay and have seen this;

Quite fancy this headunit as an upgrade to my existing one. I have some questions if you would be so kind to answer..

Will this be a straight fit into my motor, 2006 gti. Ie do I need anything extra with battery drain issues etc. will it need coding to the car etc.

At some point I'd like to add a mfsw will I need any extra pieces to make the headunit work with this.

I have a oem pre existing iPod Dock in the centre console how will this unit intergrate with this.

What are the options with aerials etc I've seen the price of oem ones which made me weep but I'd still like it to be oem under the headlining proper job.

If anyone could give me some pointers I'd be grateful I.e what I need don't need. Sorry for all the questions I've searched and just ended up mashing my head. Cheers and thanks  :happy2:

Offline StuF

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Re: Rcd 510 dab question
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 12:59:45 pm »
It will fit straight in - no coding
You will have battery drain issues so a newer CANBUS adaptor will have to be purchased
DAB radio reception requires a new roof aerial - glass mounted ones are pants so you will need to drop your headlining and budget £80 for the aerial
Adding a MFSW later on shouldnt be problematic although that will need coding to the car once installed
You havent mentioned if you have a highline display?

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Offline Washout

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Re: Rcd 510 dab question
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2015, 01:15:03 pm »
Thanks for the swift reply matey. It is a highline display does that make things more difficult.

Offline Washout

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Re: Rcd 510 dab question
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2015, 01:23:58 pm »
Also in terms of the pre existing iPod Dock how well will the connect if at all, I'd quite like the tracks to display on the highline if that's possible, currently it only works through playlists which is a bit irritating.

Offline StuF

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Re: Rcd 510 dab question
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2015, 01:29:37 pm »
Highline display is a good thing as you will have max functionality with the headunit
As for the ipod kit - not sure but it should work and for the price just give it a go

Where Napoleons armies marched with horse and musket and Hitlers Reich crumbled in blood and rubble, the warriors of Armageddon do battle against the landscape of hell now indeed thrive the ARMOURERS

Offline Phil_H

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Re: Rcd 510 dab question
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2015, 11:45:29 pm »
If you are lucky enough to have a DSG car.(with paddles)..then the MFSW is a plug and play (just get the units of eBay for £30 odd quid).

So i'm reliably informed anyway :)

Also, Can-bus may be ok just being flashed rather than replaced. Eddie-NL done mine for me today after fitting an RNS-315, solved my battery drain.