All Things Mk5 > R-Tech Zone

Why are people posting their bookings

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Why do people seem to post things like 'booked for tomorrow' etc, is this the way the booking works at R-Tech ?. Seems odd why people keep saying they have booked and are going to R-Tech. Then in some cases don't mention a follow up after they have been. Am I missing something ? :grin: :grin

You can't just randomly turn up and have your car mapped as it takes a few hours so you do have to schedule a time for when you want your car to be mapped...

Of course yes, but why are people telling everyone else here ?, don't you just call R-Tech to book ?.

It's subliminal advertising. Much like the "I've been to R-Tech and my penis is 14 inches" threads that keep appearing.  :sick: :indifferent:

^^^^ I was short changed then!  :sad1:


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