Cheers, at least I know its just a warning and nothing serious.
Last winter my garage door was broken, and the garage was full of clutter anyways. I had my old car, and I used to just scrape the ice off with a scraper. I tried the sprays that de-ice the windows, but heard they can damage your paintwork if you get any overspray on the paint? Hence I stopped using them and binned em!
The one time I used warm water, it froze over 10 times as thick straight away, so I never tried it again! Obviously wasnt warm enough! lol
Just before I bought my GTI, I finally had a new electric garage door installed (the old garage door was broken and wouldnt open very far!). Hence my car is always garaged overnight now, so I never have to defrost it in the mornings. Enter my garage through the house, get in the car, then click the button to open the garage door, and off I go - while watching everyone else out in the cold scraping ice!