Lol, you kept that quiet Joaquim
You beat me to it!! 
How does the throttle response / low end performance feel compared to the KO4? I am expecting it to feel a bit laggier?
How old is your TTE420? They changed the compressor wheel to a GTX2871 billet fairly recently, much to the anger of people who had already bought one with the older wheel 
Did the tune need much adjustment? I am thinking of just running mine with Revo 2+ and see what happens. The MAF will self tune to an extent and I can tune the fuel and timing with the SPS.
What FPR do you have in currently? RS4? You may need a 165bar FPR if you push the TTE flat out. A TTRS lift pump would also be a good idea.
Yes, I preferred to wait and see if all was fine with the used turbo.

The car is now more progressive and near the torque limit of the DSG. So it's faster but also easier to drive than before. I do notice a tiny bit more lag than my K04 had, but the spool is still pretty good when I floor the accelerator. I also don't get the surge that I had with the K04, so in practise this turbo is much better. Good low end and stronger top end.
I'm at the limit of the RS4 FPRV at the moment and it's enough for me. I don't plan on flatting out the TTE. I'll fit a DW65v in a old shape fuel pump basket. I ordered a 1K0919051AE. The TTRS pump doesn't have the gas level sensor with the correct shape, so it messes up the reading.
When did they change the compressor wheel? I've seen a post from April 2015 talking about a 2871X TTE billet compressor wheel (
Link. I think my turbo is from mid 2016 so it should have that new gen wheel.
My tune tweak decreased the low to mid end torque (my DSG started slipping because it was just too much boost at almost 4000 rpm) and increased the fuelling at the top end to go with the increased air volume from the bigger wheel. I'm still getting to know how the engine works because it's raining, so it's easy for the wheels to spin even in 4th gear if I press too much the accelerator.

When I made the logs the road was dry and the car was very fast. The ECU was still adapting, so it wasn't at its best yet.

Fit the turbo, I bet you'll love it as much as I do.