Make a donation


What is your Donor Card Status/Opinion

I don't have a card
2 (7.4%)
I have a card
15 (55.6%)
I dont' have a card, but should as I would like to donate my organs
7 (25.9%)
I dont' have a card, I don't want my organs to be donated
3 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Author Topic: Organ Donation - Poll  (Read 2542 times)

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Re: Organ Donation - Poll
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2015, 06:53:18 am »
move to wales and do nothing , soon we have to opt out , do nothing and your a donor

not law here yet but coming very soon Dec 2015


It's about time they did the "opt out" and not "opt in" they have been going on about.

If anyone opts out they should be left to die if they need an organ themselves, f*ck EM!! Same goes for for those that need blood and can't be f*cking bothered to give blood thrmselves.

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Re: Organ Donation - Poll
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2015, 09:10:10 am »
I regularly donate blood so being an organ donor is a logical step in my eyes. As mentioned already, if I'm dead, what use would healthy organs be to me?!?!?

Recently found out that my blood is allocated solely to the hospitals antenatal unit for some reason - gives me that extra warm fuzzy feeling.
