R32's have strengthened recently so you might not be able to do the same deal. With the mk6 gti out but no V6 golf being made i expect the pattern has shifted.
At the end of the day though if you car is worth more than the R32 you want i cant see it being a problem!
I expect so mate. It should not lose anything.
Im selling mine for about 15.5k, which seeing as i bought it for under 15k isnt bad!
In fairness all used cars have done this, and the worm is about to turn as the market has now slowed, and depreication will set in again soon
Yes but the R32 has appreciated by a large amount according to glasses guide and still is, not very many other cars have done this, they have merely caught back up to the price they should have been before the market crash. The lack of a new 'proper' r will strengthen the value further.
Oh dear

All cars have done this in the last year, but only because they fell on their arse in Dec 2008! Glasses guide has never been more so than it is now, the used car market is in a bit in turmoil at the moment, and in the last 4 weeks has slowed considerably(more so than it usually does this time of year). Mark my words, normal depreciation will appear in the new year. The R or any other car will all suffer from it, you speak about it like its a RS model, sold in limited number, IT ISNT!, and has always played 2nd fiddle to the GTI, the MKIVR32 is the more special model, albeit quite dated now.
Back OT, the GTI is more nimble and more fun to drive, even though it ONLY has 2WD, I should know Ive owned 2 MKV GTIs and a MKV R32 and a MKIV R32 - The R's make a great noise especially with Milltek and are a very, very safe and easy drive, but I just find the GTI more fun.
Will you be able to swap it at a main dealer - probably, but why don't you sell your on pistonheads, and go in armed with cash, probably a better deal to be had. And IF you have to scratch that itch then do it, but you will not be depreciation proof, as previously suggested, this has only been possible due to the recent trends. Oh and if you do, Milltek MUST be your second port of call, second to the petrol station of course, they are a thirsty beast!