You need to go into Can Gateway I think its controller 19, on the controller screen go into the Installation List and go half way down the page to controller 37 and tick this then Save Coding, Go out of the controller.
Go into controller 37 Navigation and then into Coding and then Long Coding:
Byte 0 The first 2 boxes should not bit ticked, Unless you have CD changer/MDI media in or Aux in
Byte 1 This is for the sound system if you have an AMP installed or if you have Dynoaudio installed from factory:
Byte 2 This is how many channels you have working i.e front or back or front and back:
Byte 3 This is for the Mic Diagnostics if you have voice control and also if you have the badge camera in the back like a couple of people,
Byte 4 This is for speaker monitoring just incase there is a problem on one of them:
Byte 5 Is for the manufacturer speaker arrangement, this should be set to Linear for the VW's
Byte 6 This is not used in the coding:
Byte 7 Some of the bits in this Byte you may not have if your using f/w 1100 or lower but this is for MFSW, screen colours and comms to the highline. None of them should be ticked unles you have a mk6 golf or dont have voice control.

Hope this helps and just one more thing you cannot use any version of VCDS lower than 9XX