So had word from painter body was done, he dropped it back last night around 6 and i set to it, was too busy to take many pics
So first on was rear bumper (without pdc sensors) and votex valance

Then fuel flap, door handles and votex side skirt (he'd already fitted new rubstrips)

The front turned out to be more involved than first expected, the wings didn't sit even close to original upper mounting points and the brackets were not available seperately so had to make up a pair of these

I also welded the new ends on and welded the rear headlight brackets on, bought some bulbs - although i was advised they were all h7 two of them are actually h15 but fitted what i had

Spent a little time jiggling the front around and roughly bolted it up

I also bought 4 new door rubbers but the rear ones look like someone had been using them for a sword fight so 2 more on order

Hoping to get the bumper back over the weekend along with the bonnet lifter ( i lost ) bonnet cable (different apparently) and h15 bulbs and a few other odds and ends