Well late friday i decided i'd make the trip upto edition, so woke up 6 hours later, threw some stuff in a bag then 'loaded' up and set off

Got in to campsite around 8am and after about 3 laps found a spot, parked up and was getting ready to get a burger and go to view what was in show n shine, after being asked if i was entering the touran and saying i wasn't i thought why not! So i headed back to the car threw my bits and bobs in my mates jetta and drove round to show n shine entrance and paid my £5 to a few confused looks. Parked up next to a nice mk2 golf and looked around to see everyone with their detailing bags lovingly shining their cars it dawned on me i had nothing, not a microfibre nothing. I went to a few stands but most hadn't set up then i found the autoglym stand and bought a few goodies and gave it a wipe over
Then added the standard insta photo

As you can tell by hashtags there was no way in the world a touran with wheels was getting noticed. As the day went on and i'd done a few laps taking in some of the awesome motors my phone died so went back to charge it in the touran awkwardly while the occasional person looked around it and pointed it things haha. My mate asked if i'd help him set up his tent as it looked like it was going to rain so decided to drive back to the campsite.
After about half hour my phone rang and was told they were calling me up on stage, i couldn't belive it, then another call and another. So made my way to the entrance by the stage but the security wouldn't belive me so told me to go round the whole thing and go in the bottom entrance, set about making my way down the singke track and some guy in an old merc was sat in the way so gave him a polite hoot, he edged forward and stopped and repeated this for a couple of mins until we got to 'rev it corner' where he performed a standing 1 wheel burnout all up the side / front of the bus!
Some could me going through revit corner just after trying to catch merc man
Caught up with him and let him know what a plonker he was and invited him to clean the mud off, he declined. After doing a full lap of the site i was able to get in show and shine, a 10 second wipedown i was ready to go on stage (never a pleasant experience) you might be able to tell from the pic i was still a little less than happy with merc man haha

Was handed my award and megs wash n wax kit and drove off stage a very happy man, so thanks to all who took time to look at my bus and the judges for noticing something a little different - absolutely chuffed