So im starting to look around now for a gti... ive only owned my car for almost a year and im not planning to get rid of it until june...ish but thought id start my search after a payrise at work, and a recent change in situation.
So my question is, does anyone have any experience with a dsg box with 100,000k+ on it? only reason im asking is alot of the GTI's i am finding within my price range are now around that mark. i also have mild scoliosis and gives me shooting pains down my left leg on long drives (hense why i want a DSG) ive got about 6k to play with.
Im aware that if its been thrashed its whole life etc its proberly not the best but are there any signs i can look out for when im taking test drives etc?
Any help would be appretiated as im not looking to rush in a buy hence why im starting to look now.