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Author Topic: How does this Edition 30 engine sound to you?  (Read 1022 times)

Offline Rossimac

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How does this Edition 30 engine sound to you?
« on: April 18, 2015, 04:17:23 pm »
How does this Edition 30 engine sound to you? It's 125,000 miles on it - I thought it sounded very loud and rackety.

Also, the under the bonet, the foam hangs down on boths sides as if it is warped - why would it be like this?

How much for a new one roughly?

The front splitter/bonnet/roof all have these marks stone chips on them, which I assume have been filled.

Worth £6,500? Feb 2007, MFSW, Highline, FVWSH, 1 previous owner. It's local to me as well (Northern Ireland) which helps as not many of these come along...

Offline Dave J

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Re: How does this Edition 30 engine sound to you?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2015, 05:43:47 pm »
Sounds as dieselly & tappetty as my ED30 on 67k. It's a poor sounding engine at idle - thank goodness it drives very well!
As long as the one you are looking at has had all the belt changes, and oil changes at the right times / mileage, I wouldn't worry.

Engine sound deadening just looks like it's been jetwashed / steamed and come loose around the edges, or is missing some securing clips. I'd just get rid of it - planning to remove mine one day as the underbonnet looks much cleaner without it.

Stonechips - they've been badly touched in, but at least there is some protection on the bare metal. You or a detailer could probably rub down the excess paint, fill them better and then polish up, or go for a respray.

£6.5k sounds tempting to me - especially if it does only have 1 previous owner - sounds like a genuine car, if a bit high on the miles.

Edition 30 - no. 1387

Offline Rossimac

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Re: How does this Edition 30 engine sound to you?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2015, 06:03:09 pm »
Cheers for the advice. Coming from my 07 GTI on 105,000 miles, the engine certainly sounded a lot more tapety and clunky. I saw various GTIs before mine and I was always cautious with the ones that sounded overly like diesels.

Wheels are in fine condition and the bodywork else where is fine apart from the odd scrape (8 year old car afterall).

Uncle has his own bodyshop - mates rates thankfully, so would probably respray the bonnet and splitter.

Interior is fine (bolster is worn and kinda sticking into my side - I'm sure some overnight straps could realign it). Steering wheel is slightly worn down on either side, which is a annoying, but I would perhaps replace it in time if it bothered me that much.

Miles don't worry me much, had the belts and a full service done recently. Pilot Sport 3s all around in good condition.

Forgot to say, the gear lever is a lot stiffer when shifting through gears compared to mine - why would that be? It's nothing bad - just wondering... Clutch is fine with no slip in 6th gear.

Getting very tempted. Red isn't my first choice of colour (grey is), but after seeing it in the flesh, I've definitely warmed to it!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 06:07:09 pm by Rossimac »