This is one of the reasons I already hate taking the GTI to supermarket carparks or similar, the more time I spend cleaning and polishing it, the worse it will get.
Im one of them knobs that park across 2 bays, or one of them at the end so you can overlap the line
I am a abit courteous tho and do it at the back where people dont tend to park.
I'm one of those knobs who look for people who have parked across 2, and take up 2 next to them!
I actually have my favorite space in one supermarket, can drive straight in and it's as far from the door as you can get
Me too

Same at work and the Gym too
People simply have no respect
Its got nothing to do with whether your into cars or not its simply a case of you should respect other people's property/belongings!
Guy in work used to sit in his car reading book on his lunch break with his door wide open sometimes actually resting on the car parked next to him
Needless to say the clown has very nearly lost teeth on a few occasions