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Leather Bottle Pub meet - postponed!!!!!!!!!!!

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Should be good for this.

Hey folks,  I'll be there, look forward to catching up.  :happy2:

Maybe for me. Just finished a 100+ mile walk and have a nice collection of festering blisters, so if I'm still hobbling like a 90 year old with rickets on Thursday I'll just stay home!

Funnily enough once you've walked into the restaurant you don't need to walk at all.

It's a maybe from me.


--- Quote from: simonp on April 28, 2015, 09:11:59 am ---Maybe for me. Just finished a 100+ mile walk and have a nice collection of festering blisters, so if I'm still hobbling like a 90 year old with rickets on Thursday I'll just stay home!

--- End quote ---

You could always bring the car...  :chicken:


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