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Author Topic: Engine removal, what to change/look out for?  (Read 2056 times)

Offline austengti

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Engine removal, what to change/look out for?
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:20:44 am »
Hi guys, basically in a week or two I plan on taking the engine out of my gti to so far fix an oil leak, fit a helix clutch and dmf from aks, change dv and pcv, water temp sensor and thermostat and possibly fit an intercooler of some form.
Also need to investigate why there's so much oil in my intake system? As in so much that there's oil dripping through the electrical connecting at the dv. Any ideas? Turbo seals possibly weeping? Oil does need topped up every month or so but its not as if it's drinking it. The water also needs topped up every month or so but its not mixing with the oil so hopefully that'll just be a cracked coolant pipe.
The HPFP also has a lot of oil around the area, which is strange when it's fuel that goes through it, hopefully it's from a seal at the pcv.  Do you get seal rebuild kits for the HPFP?

Anything else Id be worth while doing/checking whilst the engines out?


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Re: Engine removal, what to change/look out for?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 01:44:31 pm »
Seeing as you're taking your engine out, I'd look at doing the following as well (all relatively cheap things):

- Sump off, clean/replace oil pick up pipe and proper clean the sump. New gaskets everywhere, as much as possible!
- Check the head gasket and the seal between the cylinder head and bottom end for any signs of leaks.
- Rocker cover off, inspect camshafts and replace all gaskets.
- Replace PCV, HPFP cam follower and DV too
- Cam belt and water pump. If any pipes are broken, consider silicon pipe replacements as worth making it look all good if you're going to all this trouble.
- Get the inlets all properly blasted clean to remove all the carbon/oil deposits left behind from all the current use.
- Turbo off for full inspection, replace any seals possible.

That's just my personal lift if I were doing the same job as yourself. Should solve all oil and coolant issues in one hit...

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline austengti

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Re: Engine removal, what to change/look out for?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2015, 06:53:35 pm »
Ah forgot about the oil pick up pipe,  good shout! First thing I'll be doing is pressure testing the engine to ensure head gasket is ok.
Do you know if you get new seals/olives for the hpfp as a kit?
The water pump and cam belt was done 26k ago,  I was told that I shouldn't have to change it till its done 60kish, but I haven't actually checked the book yet to see if that's the case.
Cleaning all the inlets, any good way of doing this?
The turbo is high in the priorities to check. I've heard that rebuilding them (if that's required, hopefully not) isn't all that difficult, is this the case?

Finally, do you know any good websites/places to get full gasket sets/seals?


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