Hi guys, basically in a week or two I plan on taking the engine out of my gti to so far fix an oil leak, fit a helix clutch and dmf from aks, change dv and pcv, water temp sensor and thermostat and possibly fit an intercooler of some form.
Also need to investigate why there's so much oil in my intake system? As in so much that there's oil dripping through the electrical connecting at the dv. Any ideas? Turbo seals possibly weeping? Oil does need topped up every month or so but its not as if it's drinking it. The water also needs topped up every month or so but its not mixing with the oil so hopefully that'll just be a cracked coolant pipe.
The HPFP also has a lot of oil around the area, which is strange when it's fuel that goes through it, hopefully it's from a seal at the pcv. Do you get seal rebuild kits for the HPFP?

Anything else Id be worth while doing/checking whilst the engines out?
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