Hello there,
This is another car i decided to do a write up with, booked in for a winter protection and enhancement detail.
This car was brought to me by the owner (thor) as he was far from satisfied with the autoglym Lifeshine package that was originally applied. This car was an EX-demo car from VW, so the owner didnt spec the Autoglym. Since receiving the car, he has been refunded for the cost of the lifeshine.
Im sure wasnt down to the product, just the sloppy application at the dealers, there was marring and scratching in most places on the car, not to mention residue in nearly every panel gap.
I didnt photograph the wash process, but it was given our thorough 2 bucket wash, then clayed then dried.
Here we see the car after the wash clay and dry stage.

You can see evidence of the paint condition on the bonnet there.
The customer with stayed with me during the day so he could soak up the essentials for after care, so i didn't have much time to be taking lots of photos.
As there was quite a lot of light swirling and marring, but i could only do a machine polish in one pass, i used Swissvax Cleaner fluid pro, worked for quite a lot longer than normal, which gave pleasing results.
Up to a 80% correction was achieved in some areas, averaging out to about 65%. The owner was delighted with this, as he said he wasn't expecting much in the way of correction, and with this came a much higher level of gloss and paint depth.
After all the action with the rotary and cleaner fluid pro, i dusted the car down and applied the first coat of sealant. Zaino Z5 in this case (with ZFX, but only one coat. I used the ZFX to make sure it was cured as much as possible before applications on top)
Whilst that was curing i set about dressing the arches, hand polishing the alloy wheels, waxing the alloy wheels with Swissvax Autobahn. I also polished the exhaust and fed the rubber seals with Swissvax Seal Feed.
Once the first coat of sealant was cured, i put a single coat of Swissvax Best of show on top. This really set the paint off, with an unending wet look and stunning depth.
The tyres were then dressed, the windows cleaned in and out and a final wipe down with swissvax quick finish left this......

I couldnt resist a quick pic of the clocks and awesome steering wheel! ;)

Thanks for reading! ;)