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Author Topic: P0301 code & CEL, but running fine  (Read 2448 times)

Offline bennyx_o

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P0301 code & CEL, but running fine
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:53:37 pm »
Evening. Bit of an intermittent issue with my GTI.

The CEL has been coming on randomly for a couple of months now, with no adverse effect in running except one occasion; I was coming up to a set of lights that were changing, so I accelerated to try make them. The car hesitated, CEL started flashing and car started running rough with a slight smell if petrol. Limped the car home and left it overnight. When I started it the next morning, it started and ran fine, and has done ever since. The CEL cleared itself also.

I had the car in for an oil service today and had the PCV &  can follower replaced also. When the car was scanned it showed P0300 & P0301. (Random  cylinder misfire and Cylinder 1 misfire)

Coilpacks were replaced under warranty in Jan 14. Don't think it's coilpack because it's so intermittent, but cupid he wrong (it's happened before! :D) Mechanic thinks injector could need replaced, and I'm thinking the same thing too.

Anyone here ever have anything similar happen? Is it possible that it could be the coilpack?


Offline boardyuk

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Re: P0301 code & CEL, but running fine
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 07:40:20 am »
I have just had the same issue on mine. I had random misfires on 2 cylinders about 2 weeks after a full service and new plugs installed. Had to limp it home which was a PITA on dual carriageways with virtually no power  :scared:

I pulled all the coil packs to have a look and 2 were in shocking condition but 2 seemed fine which explained the 2 random misfires, swapped the packs to the other cylinders and the misfires moved too. I replaced them all with new Bosche ones just to be certain they were all good, not had a problem since.

Offline bennyx_o

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Re: P0301 code & CEL, but running fine
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2015, 07:43:51 am »
Sounds promising. I was looking at upgrading the coils anyway,  so may try that first. Cheaper than injectors too :D