lovely review

Good to see you joining in the review fun

that graph shows an incredible 'area under curve' gain at the top end

must just sing to the (new) redline.
(why the increased revs between the 2 graphs ? I ask as the original DSG software retards the ign pre redline and kills power for the pending change. )
Im a little confused as to how ITG get these good results and the Twintake still requires the 2 filters to get the same (in theory) gain.
Do you have a number on available filter area to allow comparison to the twintake ?
I also like the fact that your pictures show that the ITG is secured in 2 places between the filter and the inlet (3 if you include the foam at the battery) . the fixing above the exhaust heatshield was news to me

MAF figures very nice to have ,nice touch.
Having heard this fitted to Gaz's S3 I have to say it makes some lovely noises

my only overriding issue with this is the fact its an oiled filter. Im not wishing to drag your review off topic but its the only thing that puts me off this. Im just not a great fan of this type, and feel compelled to agree with TT thoughts on this subject

(not sure its gonna put me off buying one though
