Hey. Thanks for looking at my thread.
I just brought a mrk 5 GTI. It has 75,000
And not much service history.
The guy said he had the timing belt done 2 years ago. But then I've just read there is a cam belt and timing chains. Are timing chains replaced?
I'm just trying to figure out if I need to change the cam belt asap to not take any risks?
Cam belt needs changing every 40k or 4 years.
The water pumps are known to give problems from time to time, so it's wise to have that changed at the same time - you have to take most of the same bits off to get to it, so do both at the same time.
Aux belt and tensioners are worth doing at that mileage.
Cam chain can wear and rattle but I think you hear that pretty clearly from what I've read. Big job too.
As per many threads - check the DV and PCV - fairly cheap and they are if torn/stuck you get lots of power back!
Enjoy the GTI!