Okay not sure what happened with my last comment but here we go again:
So finally got round to getting my BCS 3" Downpipe fitted this week, as well as getting the GFB DV+ fitted at the same time.
Really, really happy with the outcome!
First of all, the build quality on the Downpipe is very good, as is the whole exhaust system built by BCS to be honest.
The Downpipe has given it that extra noise I was looking for on boost, whilst giving it an added deep burble on idle / low revs.
I know everyone has their own preferences, but I like to be loud and this fits the bill for me.
The added power is also quite noticeable, be interested to see exactly how much power has been gained when I next take it on the rolling road.
Hard to get the full power down at the moment in these typical British conditions we are having as of late, especially when my tyres all round are borderline legal tread! Going to get some Avon ZV7's to stick on the Monza's and make the switch back over to my Show wheels in March in time for Ultimate Dubs.
Onto the GFB DV+ .... solid bit of kit! It's hard for me to know exactly how much of a difference it's making, due to fitting it at the same time as the Downpipe which is giving me more power, but I do feel like the throttle response is better. I'd definitely recommend to anyone thinking of getting this.
Few photos of the Downpipe fitted:

My mechanic didn't get time to fit the ALK, so going to postpone fitting that for the time being until I have something else to go on the car.
May hold off now until I decide to upgrade the wishbones to the S3 ones, or just until around Spring time.
Not sure what's going to be next on the car. Probably front brake upgrade, but not sure what route to go down atm with that as I'm going to be fairly tight with funds this year with two big holidays to pay for.
Also want to get the windows tinted in a shade lighter than 100% darkness, so it has a nice smoked effect. So maybe that will be next to be done.