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BSH True Seal Intake Installation DIY for K04 Cars

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gonna get one of these after chrimbo!  :party:

nice write up!  :smiley:


I don't know if this problem will apply to UK cars and BSH will fully support their product and will fix it, but I came across this : -


--- Quote from: RedRobin on December 09, 2009, 06:45:42 pm ---....

I don't know if this problem will apply to UK cars and BSH will fully support their product and will fix it, but I came across this : -

--- End quote ---

One area that I raised concerns with at the time to both dubtek and BSH and I was told it was myself fitting the kit incorrectly  :signLOL:.

Sorry for the rant, if the op want me to remove them then let me know as I don't want to spam up your how to mate.

I think that link is talking about the tsi engine rather than the fsi.

@ snapey - I don't mind you posting your experiences here at all  :happy2:  I will post mine just the same whether they are good or bad  :smiley:


--- Quote from: KRL on December 09, 2009, 11:14:35 pm ---
I think that link is talking about the tsi engine rather than the fsi.

--- End quote ---

....Indeed it is the TSI - It's in the title of the linked thread and I missed it (sorry). TSI and FSI differences seem to throw up quite a few hiccups.

Still, snapey reports a similar problem on his FSI(?) car and it seems to be one which can be more easily solved at the installation stage, hence the relevance.

I expect there may be K03 and K04 installation differences too.



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