hey guys.
Haven't posted in a couple of weeks due to being busy with christmas etc.
Last night i spent a long time reading through
@MateyGuv build thread. Was an excellent read and gave me a big kick in the butt to get more mods done even if they are subtle and nobody may know they are even there.
Here's a link to his build thread:
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,69555.0.html Great read!
So today i got a few things done that I've been wanting to do for a while. Please excuse the dirty car.

Changed my hazard switch to a cherry red one. £4 or so from ebay. very easy to install, there are a lot of guides on here on how to remove the centre console. only takes around 10-15 mins.

Also got my seat inserts fitted. They definitely add a little something.

And not to everyones taste but added a set of Team Heko wing deflectors. I dunno why i do this to all my car but i like them. :jump move:

Im also hoping to collect a Ramair induction kit off one of the guys on here so ill show photos etc of installing that when i get it. I will also give a review on it as i know a lot of people say that they are losing torque low down once fitted.
I have also got a pair of Vibe slick 6c component speakers to install. Any ideas on what kind of mounting rings to use would be great.

Ordered a set of subframe bolts from eBay to see if it will cure my annoying knock that I've had since lowering the car
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/351062047285?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITAnyways thats all for now.

Thanks for reading.