Currently on anthracite 18" Monzas, which I just can't get on with.
Car is a 2007 GTI 3dr, colour coded skirts and ed30 front.
Right, I'm torn between two styles. Firstly the popular Pescara/BBS VZ option. Then my old favourite 7 y-spoke CH-R type of design, which I had on my mk4 (Dotz Exile)...

Now after seeing how common the Pescara/VZ has become, and being wary of inadvertantly turning the car into an ed30 replica, which I really don't want, I'm not 100% on this option.
Equally, after seeing quite a few examples of mk5s with wheels like I had on the mk4, I'm not totally sure they suit the mk5.
So... does anyone know of a wheel that's more or less a combination of both? Not quite as 'rounded' as the Pescara/VZ, and a bit closer to the CH-R?
Cheers :-)