Right abit of an update a few pics
The next step in my mods was the highline cluster so with the generousity of Andrew(Norbreck21a) I had an highline for my GT I fitted it myself and had no problems at all.

Next came wheel colour change to SEAT FR grey

I was on the look out for a new multifunction gti steering wheel and found one on here so bought it and fitted it just need to change the steering controller which again Andrew(Norbreck21a) come to the rescue.
I also needed a new headunit and found someone on the net who would part ex my MFD2 for a new RNS510 so I got that and fitted that aswell.

Then I also needed a new BT kit and found out that VW did a premium kit that worked well with the RNS510 and FIS so I looked on ebay.de and found a premium module cheap again I fitted that myself.

I wanted to put a proper shark fin on that would pick up the gps and gsm network so bought one again off ebay.de, it was off an A4 not got a pic yet but will get one up of that.

Ill have to take a breather for now but will continue once I get home from work in the morning
See ya for now Ive got loads more to update.