Hi all only just found this site from one of Shaun's(182 blue) links so thought I would post pics of my GT diesel. Ive had the car for a little over a year and although still not happy with the current wheel choice im hoping that will be sorted soon...the rest of the car im happy with.
This is it when I first got it, it was std apart from the wheels, nappa leather & Mfd2 fitted.

Then I managed to get a very cheap front GT bumper from Hull VW so swapped that over

Then came the side skirts rear bumper and exhaust and gloss window trims and wheels
So this is how it stood at the time with the new wheels on.

But it didn't stop like that for long and amazingly shrunk into the ground and grew a chin

Just bought some brand new Gti alloy pedals from VW so they are going on soon