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Author Topic: ABS Pump Recode? ( Pretty urgent please :) )  (Read 595 times)

Offline JD2032

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ABS Pump Recode? ( Pretty urgent please :) )
« on: June 08, 2015, 08:26:43 pm »
Hi Everyone,

In an ongoing saga to fix an ABS issue, I've today had the the ABS pump /w associated module replaced.

Upon firing up the car it got an error to the point that it basically cant see the ABS Pump / Unit is there at all!!

I'm lead to believe I need to re-code the new module with VCDS, I was just wondering if anyone could shed any light on this process.

It will all be getting done by my garage as they have all the tools, I just want to point them in the right direction to save some labour time!

A facebook group seems to suggest I need to get the coding from my old module and have it copied to the new one!

Any info on this would be most appreciated :notworthy: !!

Offline RetroRaz

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Re: ABS Pump Recode? ( Pretty urgent please :) )
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2015, 08:31:15 pm »
When I replaced my ABS pump in my old golf, the pins which goes from the pump to the controlling module had split which meant there was no contact and my car couldnt see the abs pump. I had to take the pump apart and then insert the pins in properly, i didnt need to code anything after that.