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Author Topic: Help with radio code  (Read 799 times)

Offline Mitch H

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Help with radio code
« on: June 10, 2015, 09:32:06 pm »
I had a standard unit in my car rcd300 if I remember rightly?
I have had a brand new vw rcd510 fitted about a month ago.
Since had some work done on the car (gearbox oil cooler) so they've had the battery off and it's now asking me for a code.
Is the code unique to the car or the unit itself?
And where can I retrieve it. Probs been asked many times before but was unsure with me changing the stereo.

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Re: Help with radio code
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 09:40:51 pm »
Doesn't matter   :smiley:
Just messaged the chap who fitted it and said it's written on top of the unit so just a case if taking it out if I remember how he got it out lol
I've had a cherry red hazard switch to fit for ages so will finally get it fitted