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Problems using forum on iphone and only posting part of post

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Every now and then (every other day) it takes me a while to access the forum and i often get this message

Also the most annoying thing is i write a post and insert pics / img links, preview post and all looks good, once i post it only posts a tiny part of the post and 1 or no pics, no matter how many times i try

I copy and paste same post on 2 other forums without issue  :sad1:

Example - preview

Actual post

i find if i use the smileys from my iphone keyboard rather than the forum ones it will not post the smiley and cuts the rest of the message off

Been having trouble accessing site also on iPhone. No problem on others. It's fine today.


--- Quote from: DANBOY66 on June 11, 2015, 12:10:32 pm ---i find if i use the smileys from my iphone keyboard rather than the forum ones it will not post the smiley and cuts the rest of the message off

--- End quote ---

ah i see maybe worth looking at, thanks  :happy2:

I've also had issues using iPhone 6 where page just stays blank (white) with a bar loading at the top. This is using the google app


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