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Author Topic: Whats causing my Turbo to make this sound?  (Read 1204 times)

Offline metaljay

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Whats causing my Turbo to make this sound?
« on: June 11, 2015, 04:12:03 pm »
I have a GFB GV+ (yes i know people say these do nothing). Had it on over a year and no issues. Now Ive noticed at low boost it seems to dump every time (and flutter). No issues at high boost.

My questions, will this damage my turbo?
Could i just leave it and have no adviser effect?

I don't dislike the sound, just curious what it is...


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Re: Whats causing my Turbo to make this sound?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2015, 04:15:37 pm »
I too have the GFB DV+, and mine only started making the same noise when I added a full cold air intake system to my car. I suspect it's quite normal, but my noise comes from the cone filter.

Moving over to Flickr, sorry for the broken picture links!

Offline AndyBrown

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Re: Whats causing my Turbo to make this sound?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2015, 09:53:09 pm »
I too have the GFB DV+, and mine only started making the same noise when I added a full cold air intake system to my car. I suspect it's quite normal, but my noise comes from the cone filter.

Same for me but without the GFB DV+