I have never needed them, if a space looks to small ill go elsewhere and walk further. Its overkill on a hatchback really!
What are bumpers for anyway?! I got into bad habits when I temp'ed as a driver for HelpHire.
Brand new M5
with parking sensors... I just kept going until I nudged the car behind. (Note, they were all courtesy cars, not private ones!!) It never used to leave any marks, there's loads of give in a modern bumper, there has to be by law. I just have remember to be more careful now in supermakets with my car, seems it's a hard habit to break.
Some of the guys I used to work with though... Their driving was shocking...

No, this wasn't my doing!! Car was ruined though, what you can't see is the up-right on the side of the truck that skewered the suspension. And it was brand new. We had to get a forklift over from one of the units across the road to push it back onto the truck. I guess you pay peanuts, you get monkeys - the boss was a mate and i just wanted to drive fast cars for the summer!
Sorry... I digress.