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Author Topic: Another one of those "Help me" threads  (Read 600 times)

Offline CarlW

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Another one of those "Help me" threads
« on: June 20, 2015, 03:58:06 pm »
Okay so last night I had a mini heart attack when a loud beep alarmed me and I looked down at the heads up display to find it says "STOP! Oil pressure low" pulled over and knocked it off, turned it back on and all was fine for two mile drive home. No knocking noises or anything abnormal.

I thought it might have been something to do with me putting my foot down on the long straight stretch as its a bit of a coincidence.. Anyhow after some reading I'm thinking its the oil pick up pipe that's clogged.

Previous to this the engine was low on oil and I topped it up with some fresh oil so I'm wondering whether the fresh oil could have cleared something out into the pick up pipe possibly?

Other than this, the car is due a service and I have got 6L of the Millers Nonodrive oil to go in when i tackle the service when i have some spare time next weekend, which leaves me to order the new filters needed on monday.

I also plan to renew the spark plugs but I'm wondering if it's also worth me replacing the stock coil packs for the "R8" ones at the same time? Baring in mind the car is currently stock but will be getting a map sometime in the near future..

Edit - Further Info
With it being saturuday and needing to get something for Fathers day :innocent: i started the car up.. a cricket sounding/clickety noise appeared, stayed there for so long and also increased with the revs.. was concerned about this as i'd never heard this before.. Anyhow the car had warmed up and this noise had been and gone and was no longer happening whilst i took it for a short drive..

Since then, i haven't driven the car and don't intend to until i service it at the weekend and get this oil pick up pipe issue resolved.. Any ideas on this and what it could be?

I do have a short video of this sound which i will upload once i figure out how to upload it from my phone.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 12:30:22 am by CarlW »

Offline edd30

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Re: Another one of those "Help me" threads
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 11:20:12 pm »
1) Check oil level.Top up if necessary.

2) Get new filter + oil + gasket goo (from VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda)
3) Drain oil
3) Take off sump
4) Take off oil pick up. Clean pick up and sump. Refit.
5) Use gasket goo, replace sump and torque up.
6) Prefill new filter with oil. Refill.
7) Start engine. Check oil level. I usually aim for half way up dip stick.

Take a close look at the oil oil, see if you can spot any shiny residue. You may want to cut the old filter open.

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Re: Another one of those "Help me" threads
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2015, 12:10:12 am »
Cheers edd, just been looking at some guides online for the sump removal and oil pickup pipe replacement.. Doesn't look too complicated, just a lot of bolts to undo and a steady hand with the sealant when it comes to refitting the sump.

i've found a service pack with genuine filters etc on eBay so i think i may go for that as its a little cheaper than VW's prices, See below.. After having a rummage around on the forum as well it seems many people rate the NGK iridium spark plugs better so might also opt for them whilst I'm on with ordering bits and bobs

As for the checking the old oil filter to see if there is any shiny residue.. whats the purpose of this? just curious :happy2:

« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 12:31:27 am by CarlW »

Offline edd30

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Re: Another one of those "Help me" threads
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2015, 12:30:54 am »
Glittery deposits in the filter/oil gives you an indication of engine component wear, for example when an engine is subject to severe oil starvation or over-revving, certain parts of the engine get damaged first, like the bearing shells, left unchecked, it'll get worse and damage your crankshaft.

The chances are, you'll be ok. It's just if you're going to the trouble of doing an oil change, why not take a look ? I would.

Can't remember of you can get the oil pressure reading from VCDS, but worth checking if it's on the margins, if so and
depending on how you drive it, for example lots of track days + vmax, then you may want to consider changing the oil pump whilst you're down there.

An alternative to taking the sump off to check the pick up, is to use one of those flexi cameras, especially if you have one already or can borrow one. May save you taking the sump off.


Offline CarlW

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Re: Another one of those "Help me" threads
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2015, 12:37:28 am »
Glittery deposits in the filter/oil gives you an indication of engine component wear, for example when an engine is subject to severe oil starvation or over-revving, certain parts of the engine get damaged first, like the bearing shells, left unchecked, it'll get worse and damage your crankshaft.

The chances are, you'll be ok. It's just if you're going to the trouble of doing an oil change, why not take a look ? I would.

Can't remember of you can get the oil pressure reading from VCDS, but worth checking if it's on the margins, if so and
depending on how you drive it, for example lots of track days + vmax, then you may want to consider changing the oil pump whilst you're down there.

An alternative to taking the sump off to check the pick up, is to use one of those flexi cameras, especially if you have one already or can borrow one. May save you taking the sump off.

I don't have them sort of gadgets/tools in my collection unfortunately but i think id be happy to take the sump off just to have a good inspection and clean up of it.

As for my driving style, i haven't done any track days in it yet but i've had the car for around 10-11k miles and i wouldn't say i've driven it hard yet but just like anyone else i have give it a good blast out once a month when it is safe to do so on the roads