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Author Topic: Radiator temp sensor help !  (Read 1072 times)

Offline Madone

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Radiator temp sensor help !
« on: June 25, 2015, 02:17:24 pm »

I recently had the main thermostate changed and a new radiator fitted. Everything was working fine, I have polar FIS and VAGCOM so can read all the temps. Coolant and radiator. From looking at the radiator temp I can see when the stat opens etc. yesterday I fitted a LOBA HPFP, all went well but now the radiator temp sensor just reads -48. And the engine fans come on early. I don't see how I could have touched the radiator sensor ?, are there any connections for it around the HPFP ?, does -48 mean it's Brocken ?, basically open circuit ?. I don't get any error codes.

Please help, I am guessing -48 means the sensors faulty of disconnected ?, but thought a error code would come up for a disconnection ?  Could I have done anything to a connection Whilst changing the HPFP ?, doesn't seem likely.

Many thanks