I bought recently one RNS510, but I have an small problem... the touchscreen and the buttons doesn't "work", they don't respond.
So I cannot for example enter the pin code.
I did a little bit of research, and could be that I need to... install new software? But I'm really lost with RNS510 honeslty, I couldn't find a solution which could work (didn't tried anything yet). I know that with < + > + i I should be able to load a CD with new software, but no idea if I don't need to enter the code for this, or either which version should I install.
Here there are a lot of FW:
http://www.my-gti.com/3868/volkswagen-rns-510-firmware-download-repositoryMine is 1T0 035 680 C.
Thanks in advance! :)
EDIT:I've used "SWL Fix FW" and I could boot again and try to update, touchscreen works fine now... but I cannot update. I have tried with lots of CD's and even DVD, but It's just impossible, I get this error which you can see below:
Error – EcuOrder.txt – Error reading HW Vers
With CD's and different FW I get stuck ALWAYS with the same screen. DVD are rejected almost instantly
Any idea of what I could try?