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Author Topic: Radio/dash trim  (Read 977 times)

Offline gtivirgin

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Radio/dash trim
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:07:33 pm »
Added an aux in earlier but once I got top vent pieces off I noticed there was only the single T20 screw closer to the windscreen and the other two holes were empty. I am assuming this is the previous owner(s) losing them although there was no talk of an aux from guy I got the car from. I was wondering if there was somewhere I could get replacement screws from other than possibly VW?

Had the odd bit of squeeks and rattling from interior before putting the aux in but since putting everything back there is a noise coming from radio/vent trim and also it seems as if the top vent isnt sitting properly. It is clicked in place fine but the small rectangle section that surrounds the top vent open/close wheel is lopsided and wont sit flush anymore not matter how hard I push it in.

When I pulled out the black plastic section off that is directly below the vent grille/cover a small plastic tab fell out and landed on my dashboard but I can't for the life of me see where it has snapped off of so not sure if this part of the problem. Checked all the pieces and all the tabs and pokey out bits seem intact. Will get some pics up soon.


Offline robmcclel

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Re: Radio/dash trim
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 10:21:23 am »
Go to a breakers yard and find a mk5 golf or a jetta or something similar you'll be able to get the bolts from there and only pay pennies.  :happy2:

For your rectangle surrounding the top open/close wheel, I had this problem because I snapped one of the feet that hold it in place, managed to get it to stay in using double sided sticky tape, can't tell the difference now, you'd never know that there tape holding it in, maybe give that a go?

Offline gtivirgin

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Re: Radio/dash trim
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2015, 07:28:59 pm »

Yeh was reading a bit into dash trim from those who have taken it all off and noticed that once it has been off and put back it will never be the same and that sticking bits of felt and tape and blu tac etc helps so guess i will give that a go. The squeeks have subsided after a long drive home so guess it all settled again. I will try sticking the wonky bit down but I am sure I will forget about it after a while once there is no squeeking to remind me every 5 seconds!