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rr day Halifax - results and pics.

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Iv,e come across this before with DSG equipped cars - on RR,s they seem to make way over what they should given the mods. It gotta be something to do with the way the rolling road calibrates the drag/loading on the rollers - DSG seems to be able to fool it into thinking there is more power being transmitted to the sensors.

ps, not having a dig at your car Bacillus just my observations mate :happy2:

^^^ but then RR's DSG K03 GTI has never made more than what most people expect?


--- Quote from: Blade on December 13, 2009, 03:46:11 pm ---

ps, not having a dig at your car Bacillus just my observations mate :happy2:

--- End quote ---

No offence taken mate.   :smiley:

fwiw I went on one car after TC on the RR and the RR operator seemed to be au fait with the dsg box.

Now will RedRobin lend me his twintake to see if it makes any difference in output.   :wink:  :evilgrin:


--- Quote from: Blade on December 13, 2009, 03:46:11 pm ---Iv,e come across this before with DSG equipped cars - on RR,s they seem to make way over what they should given the mods. It gotta be something to do with the way the rolling road calibrates the drag/loading on the rollers - DSG seems to be able to fool it into thinking there is more power being transmitted to the sensors.

--- End quote ---

Simple answer to that is no it doesnt. RRs 245hp stage 2 is under what most stage 2 k03s(that i have seen) get on JKMs, IMO thats down to the fact he was using his standard intake. Of which im sure it is now solved with the edition of his twintake, and he will be there competing with the others if not surpassing them. post 9 shows three stage 2 cars all on JKMs making more than that. 266hp310Ibft, 256.7hp300ibft and 260.2hp295Ibft respectively.
I know last two of these are manual for sure and im pretty sure the first one is as well looking a the date it was done.

So im not to sure where you get the idea that RRs is making way more than it should. If DSG was making it misread,and give higher results than it should then he should be making more than those????

I can see wher you are coming from with bacillus's results, they seem very high but then there are no other complaints with other results on the day. Plus he has had that before on another RR. he might just have a very strong engine.(or a secret)

some guys on here are insistant that the k03 just does not perform.

Excellent results guys :happy2:

Gaz, did you expect that amount of power? and BTW your sig needs altering now :drinking:


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