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rr day Halifax - results and pics.

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Phil Mcavity:
K03 doing more then 300bhp, only Regals RSR has done more at 350 but whether that was with the k04 upgrade installed im not sure.?

If bacillus is adement that his car still has its K03 inside, then Operator error and a coinsidence with a previous RR day is more likely.

A good engine cant produce 40bhp or so more, just because its " a Good Engine".


--- Quote from: Hurdy on December 13, 2009, 05:32:12 pm ---Excellent results guys :happy2:

Gaz, did you expect that amount of power? and BTW your sig needs altering now :drinking:

--- End quote ---

no, not at all, was thinkin 340ish which is what I predicted at the time

Im with you there in that a good engine will not produce an additional 50bhp. But its not 50Bhp overproducing though is it. 280bhp and 285bhp has been seen on DD rollers.

I spoke to JKM before changing maps and he has seen that a fair amount of times although 275-280hp was more realsitic target. So if that was the case then it could be overreading by 20-30bhp. still pushing the boundries though, i agree.

TBH that post was more aimed at blades post saying RRs is over producing with stage 2 cos of his DSG. which IMO is blatantly not the case.

Phil Mcavity:
^^ yes Robins car is set on a safer boost setting and not max'd out to preserve his 2nd turbo.

^^ But Robin's car isn't Stage 2+ like bacillus, and bacillus invests a lot of time logging his car so knows his Revo settings are right for the car/mods he has.


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