Saturday was the PERFECT day for the rollers, The QNH (corrected atmospheric pressure) was something like 1005 millibars compared to a standard day of 1013mb so cold and dense, temp was maybe 4 degrees compared to a standard day temp of maybe 14 degrees at 500ft up, cold soaked intercoolers.
Now I appreciate the requested PSI is the requested PSI but boyles law and all that!
In addition Bacillus took the time and trouble to tweak his settings to suit the ambient conditions and reaped the benefits.
I think the red herring was the std Ed30 of monkes that did 230.00 BHP, how often have you heard of a stock car putting out stock power after 5,10,15kmiles. Monke reaped the benefits of the day to show stock when maybe you would expect a recircing TFSI to drop off a little bit.
If bacillus had run 290 in the middle of summer then we maybe would be a little more accepting.
To accuse the mild mannered, glasses wearing doctor of being part of a conspiracy theory is a little far off the mark, just well prepped on good gas for the right day imho......
Now wheres me tin hat gone.....