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Author Topic: whats next?  (Read 14766 times)

Offline FJ1000

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2016, 03:01:55 pm »

This is mine, got the doors and big boot covered ;-)

Faisal's RS4

I did look at the B8 S4 ( I had a b8 a4 2.0t Quattro s-line mapped to 285ish), amazing how much power you get from just a map on the S4.

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Lovely car mate!

How was the a4 2.0t quattro? thats another option for me either that or same engine a5. How is power is it similar to the golf?

Thanks very much!

The A4 was good and had lots of potential; 211hp standard, but 350+ easily achieved with a turbo swap and map.

It looks good too and has lots of rear space (a lot more than my B7).

On the negative side, it sounds like a hairdryer as standard.

I never spent the money on it I ought to have though (e.g. Exhaust, intake, suspension, brakes), because I knew I wanted an RS4. Only significant thing I did was a revo map to about 285hp.

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2007 Golf Gti DSG | Leather Wingbacks | Xenons | VWR Springs | Tinted Windows | 18" Audi Speedlines |

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2016, 02:31:09 pm »
Just renewed front bushes, battery and brake oil. £486 gone :( now fully ready to sell.

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2016, 04:37:39 pm »
So 2 people have come to see the car and tried to negotiate the f*ck out of me even though this is the lowest price black dsg 5dr under 80k miles I have decided not to sell her and go for a stage 1+ r-tech with stage 1 dsg remap too  :happy2:

I've decided to pay for the deposit for the flat and instead spend some on tuning the car rather than paying a extra 10k on top of sale price to get a better car.

Before the buyers came the previous night I took it for a blast down forty hill just off the a10 curvy roads which made me remember how much I love this car.

So question has anyone got a r-tech stage 1+ done? how much should I be looking to spend on the r-tech site it states:
Stage 1+= Stock car with just cats removed  hpfp upgrade & air filter upgrade
Stage 1+ tuning aim is to unlock the mid-range torque band which is limited by the stock pump at stage1
Stage 1+ custom remap           255-260 hp        335-350 lbft
Custom Stage 2 &  2+ TFSI (I think this is for 1+ too) = £350 (any thing with decat or sports cat added or HPFP)
VAG DSG  Gearbox mapping = £250 but when if carried out at same time as the engine tuning the price will be £150

How much should I be looking to spend in total and would r-tech do the pre-cat removal for me because so far to date I haven't been able to find a garage which will do this.

Will make a new topic for this sorry don't reply here
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 04:46:55 pm by The666 »

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2016, 05:41:04 pm »
car sold and got a my new car :) fully loaded n54 335i e92. Was nearly getting a golf r for 15k but at half the price the 335i does the job.

Already miss my gti damn that was a light car and the dsg :( but I'm loving the power and comfort of the 335i. Will certainly get a golf r when I can afford it.

Offline AJP

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2016, 06:02:21 pm »
Love the shape of the E92, as much as I've never really had a big love for Beemers. Wouldn't mind a nice E30 M3 though..!

Any plans for the new motor then? They look ridiculously good with a nice set of Y-spokes and a proper stance. 335 should be a grunty engine too.

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2016, 06:28:02 pm »
Love the shape of the E92, as much as I've never really had a big love for Beemers. Wouldn't mind a nice E30 M3 though..!

Any plans for the new motor then? They look ridiculously good with a nice set of Y-spokes and a proper stance. 335 should be a grunty engine too.

my main priority is to get it all blacked out first :) black grill, black 19 rims, tinted windows and maybe tinted lights not to sure about that yet.
Once the cosmetics is done then straight on to tuning. Downpipe, intake and jb4 should do the trick of around 420hp and 420tq according guys on the bimmer forum.

looks wise I'm aiming for it to look like

Offline AJP

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2016, 06:32:10 pm »
Is jb4 a tuning box, from the US? Rings a bell, pretty sure Nige was singing their praises when I was chatting with him at Powervalve hq a few weeks ago.

420bhp will be lovely. I'm not a huge fan of black wheels, I'd go for anthracite if it was me, but we all have different tastes!

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #52 on: March 21, 2016, 06:41:27 pm »
Is jb4 a tuning box, from the US? Rings a bell, pretty sure Nige was singing their praises when I was chatting with him at Powervalve hq a few weeks ago.

420bhp will be lovely. I'm not a huge fan of black wheels, I'd go for anthracite if it was me, but we all have different tastes!

for sure if I was going for a classy look I would also go for the anthracite but I want it to look sporty and at the same time a little evil :D
Yup jb4 is from the US I don't really know myself but kinda seems similar to bluefin superchips but with a ton more customizations.

Offline AJP

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #53 on: March 21, 2016, 06:43:58 pm »
Yeah from what he said it's the best option at the minute. Should make for a rapid car!

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2016, 08:17:29 pm »
and I'm already missing the gti that I'm thinking to get back to one probably a ed30. This car is soo f*cking heavy its annoying doesn't feel nimble like the gti cant cut in and out of traffic as easy.
on the plus side the noise from the twin turbo v6 is just f*cking amazing. The speed yes its fast but it really kicks in after 60mph its all in or nothing. You don't feel as fast as the gti even though its probably quite a bit faster. It's too comfortable imo I don't like that the suspension needs to be stiffer.

Offline Roadrebel

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #55 on: March 25, 2016, 07:59:46 am »
I thought it had a straight 6!

Offline Masonfantana

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #56 on: March 25, 2016, 08:30:41 am »
car sold and got a my new car :) fully loaded n54 335i e92. Was nearly getting a golf r for 15k but at half the price the 335i does the job.

Already miss my gti damn that was a light car and the dsg :( but I'm loving the power and comfort of the 335i. Will certainly get a golf r when I can afford it.

What a fantastic choice

Offline zainster

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2016, 08:35:53 am »
Yep,  it's defo a straight 6

Offline flashp

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2016, 01:13:05 pm »
Yup really no point of going ed30 direction just got more power to burn more tyres  :grin:
Do love the evo x but heard they are not very reliable and high maintenance.
Really want a s3 now can't decide if should go with 6mt or dsg. Currently got dsg and I love the crackle and pop sounds it makes even more after the remap and love the fact that you don't have to spend £1k on a clutch for a remap heard dsg clutch is good enough for up to stage 2+. But I really do miss driving a manual as that's what I've always been driving before I got the gti.
Don't know guys but its driving me mad 6mt vs dsg and s3 vs evo x  :sad1:

I guess you have never driven an ED30 with 300bhp as you would not be saying that . The Ed30 might get loff the mark slower than an S3 but being quite alot lighter it will catch up big time and handle so much better than an S3 .But it appears you just want to be quick off the lights !

Noope like me the guy likes to be able to nail it off a roundabout in 2nd onto a slip road joining a dual carriageway and not have to worry about lighting the front wheels up until he's in 4th gear  :laugh:

So the only point you safely get traction is when your at livence risking speeds hmmm sounds like great fun (not)
Fwd car 200 ish bhp 4wd and the sky is the limit hence why my Gti is standard  :P
Got to say as an owner of a 330bhp LSD equipped Pirelli this statement is inaccurate. Mine has none of the issues you cite as impediments of FWD. I don't have as much torque and power as the seemingly most popular tuner mentioned on this forum that's not Revo can provide but I have a very nice smooth map. An LSD isn't the only thing that's responsible for my tuning package working so well but it's an example of an extremely worthwhile transformative MOD that most don't do because of the expense and the fact that it can't be taken off and sold.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 08:22:05 pm by flashp »

Gone but not forgotten :-)

Offline The666

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Re: whats next?
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2016, 09:36:30 pm »
I thought it had a straight 6!

lol ye straight/inline 6. I always call it v :D