The type of car does not dictate whether someone is a chav or not mate. Its what they do to it that makes it chavvy.
If you think he is a bit of a chav for having a square plate, then I would tend to agree. However, I would look at any car with a square plate that never came from the factory with one and think it was chavvy, regardless of whether it was a Corsa, a Golf or a BMW. Each to their own, but I think you have ruined the look of the front of your car with that plate. Sorry.
No, I was saying that he is a chav who happens to drive a car with a square plate. I wasn't saying anyone who drives a car with a square plate is a chav because that would mean I would be calling myself a chav, when in reality I couldn't be further from one. The fact is a square plate on a gti works because the car is good enough to enable one to get away with it. It's a shame your so quick to judge someone based on the shape of their number plate.

Luckily, I haven't ruined the look of the front of my car because that would require some sort of permenent alteration, which this is not.
Chris is right in that the car looks a lot better in reality. I can certainly vouch for the fact that I get a lot of positive comments about the car which includes the look with the plate, so it isn't as devasting to it's looks as some people love to point out. In actual fact I think it gets more attention because it doesn't look like every other GTI out there!
Be different I say, you can't be the don by being the same as everyone else!