So since the weather had been good the past few days I thought it was time I put my girlfriends new stripes on her mini since I kept putting it off !

After washing it and putting the stripes on
we I painted the calipers red to tidy them up a bit as her new wheels were quite open !


I usually use hamerite smooth but ended up with halfords high temp paint and id say it gives a more red look instead of the hammerites more orangey appearance

I also tried my dads editon30 wheels but really didnt like them on my car

I couldnt believe the size difference even though both wheels are only 18" so decided to stick with my own atm but currently on the look out for some team dynamic 1.2's or rota grids

So after all that last night I managed to curb my first ever wheel an absolute peach whilst driving

so will need to give the lip a rub down and touch up to hide the mess