The idle speed on my Edition30 has is not stable.
I noticed this yesterday,whilst sat a a junction.At first,I thought water had gotten into a sensor,as it was very wet here but after leaving it overnight and trying it this morning,I got the same result.
On starting the engine this morning from cold, it did what it normally does-went to around 1100 rpm and once the autochoke came off settled back to around 850rpm.
Then,as the temp went up the revs built up to 2000,dropped back to 1100 and then stated to pulse between 1000 and 1400 rpm and will do this constantly on idle.
ther doesn't appear to be any power loss on driving and no lights are lit on the dash.
I've checked the DV and no problems there.While running,I removed the oil cap and it ran rough and lumpy,so I don't think it's the PCV,although I haven't checked it properly.
Is there an ISV on these engines or am I looking at an air pressure leak somewhere in the turbo piping?
If anyone has any other ideas,I'd be happy to hear them.

Oh,and I don't have access to VAG-COM before anyone mentions it.