I've had Twintake and Revo, the Revo is noticeably more responsive and sounds 
which revo did you go for? there are 2 different ones. high flow and race high flow
I've never heard of those options, I have the cam coated Revo. Never heard of race and high flow options 
cam coated Revo is it better ?
is it worth the extra money
what is the actual bhp that people have from this revo intake as to a panel filter
thanks for info and reply
The cam coated one does keep intake temps down by a few degrees but isn't really a noticeable difference to drive just nice to have it, so if you're on a budget then no it's not worth it.
How many BHP you get depends on the rest of your setup, of its just a remap and panel filter vs intake then maybe 5bhp, however of you're going for 320bhp+ then you start to need one as the OEM system will struggle to keep up and restrict your power.
I just like the way that it keeps pulling higher in the rev range than with the OEM filter, however you sacrifice a few torques low down but I still have plenty so I'm fine with it.