Not sure if I should build it up for Stage 2 or 2+ and get it mapped eventually. What's people's opinions on this?
Anyway ... Been thinking about an intake for a while - Went for a Revo Camcoat intake.

Started to install it.. Took the old air box off.

Quite surprised at how hard it is to pull the engine cover off! I mean it wasn't 'hard' but quite some force!

Lent over the back to get a shot of the downpipe - Titanium wrapped - Really looks the business.

Got the surround in place.

Just the sensor missing here. This area was quite fiddly trying to get the clamp down the back of the engine in the correct position. Anyone got any tips to make this easier in future?

And the finished article.

The car sounds like darth-vadar. It's sounds nice, still on the fence whether it suits what I feel the car is - But at the end of the day. I can take it off whenever!

I'm pleased with it though.
Thanks for reading