So I fitted my BCS decat yesterday with the intention of going stage 2 in the next week or so.
As expected the engine light came on, but the car is also running a bit strange. Under 3000 revs it almost seems to be like shaking?
I scanned for fault codes and it came up with 5? Are these all normal for when fitting a decat? I feel like they arn't!!

00305 - Fuel Consumption indicator signal - sporadic 002 - lower limit exceeded
00768 - Rear Heater core temp sensor (G154) - sporadic 002 - lower limit exceeded
00769 - Coolant temperature sensor at engine outlet (G82) sporadic 002 - lower
00770 - Coolant temperature sensor at radiator outlet (G83) sporadic 002 - lower
00771 - Fuel Level Sensor (G) sporadic 002 - Lower limit Exceeded
Thanks in Advance!