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Author Topic: Whining sound in lower gears . My 07 Mark 5 GTI has developed this sound ....... I have  (Read 10974 times)


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90K on the clock, The performance of the car is as good as it ever was. I gave been advised by the garage I use (not VW garage, just a good honest mechanic), that I require to have gearbox stripped and new bearing(s) fitted, Not too expensive  at around £450-£500, I feel this might not be necessary but have been warned by him that delay could cost me a  great deal more. I thought it might be a turbo issue which is why I consulted him in the first place, but he seems very confident in his diagnosis.

Has anyone else got this noise, not loud or unpleasant, just a bit like a tram or underground train moving off..

Your urgent assistance would be most gratefully received.

Neil Mac

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I've got this too on mine which is on 49k miles. It's been discussed in the past on here that this is quite normal...but it still bugs me!

Mine's in at VW on Friday, not sure if a dare ask them to take a look!



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Thanks for the reply Dave, although I seem to have put the wind up you, rather that being reassured myself. `but thanks anyway. by the way your car looks identical  tp my GTI. I have had it for 5 trouble free years and am not quite used to this.

Cheers, Neil

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Thanks for the reply Dave, although I seem to have put the wind up you, rather that being reassured myself. `but thanks anyway. by the way your car looks identical  tp my GTI. I have had it for 5 trouble free years and am not quite used to this.

Cheers, Neil

Hahaha not at all. Mine's been bugging me for ages but others have said it's OK. Mine is under warranty with VW until October, but I have to pay for any exploratory work. I just feel sure they won't find anything. I did get a DSG service around 40k from them and they seemed to think it was running fine.


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Mines at 105k and it whines in the low gears until it either changes into 3rd or 4th or gets to a certain speed.. then either the engine/exhaust and road noise become to loud to hear the whine or it fades out, not sure.

The DSG shifts nicely though and its recently had a DSG service.

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Someone on here had it fixed. Some bearing of some description

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aslong as it doesnt fall apart i dont mind it whining, if it starts to effect the car or the way it shifts then il start to worry  :scared:

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My MK5 GTI did this, whereas my R32 doesn't.. currently on 67k miles.

I was told that it's got more to do with the profile of the gears which causes the whine, but that doesn't really explain why some cars are louder than others..
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

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Mine whines in 1st but once in 2nd or above it goes. Not sure if this is normal or not?

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Whines under power or on the overrun?

Yes the gears in the O2Q/O2M MK5 gearboxes are semi-helical (for strength), so prone to a little more whine than a full helical cut gear (02A/02J MK3/MK4).

A common issue in the manual box (not sure about DSG) is the end case that holds the bearings for the gear shafts can ovalise, which over time can misalign the gear meshing slightly.  In extreme cases this can lead to teeth being stripped off (usually in very high boost / big turbo conversions) but generally if the car is stock or the usual stage1/2 stuff, it just causes noise.

Diff whine (sounds like a tram slowing down and is very loud) on the overrun can be an issue too, but not that common.

Layshaft bearing wear causes a marbles in a tin rattling when hot, which goes when you press the clutch pedal down.  Common.

Thing is, VAG manual gearboxes always have been agricultural and noisy, and hate being rushed.  They can go on for years making these noises with no adverse affects, so it's more of an irritation than a major problem. 
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 04:51:17 pm by Pudding »

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Mine does it when accelerating and on overrun but is more noisy when accelerating. It actually sounds a bit like a touring car gearbox in 1st and I quite like it providing all is okay!

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whines when accelerating in 1st gear, more noticeable with pootling around, like in a car park for example.

Offline john87

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Whines under power or on the overrun?

Yes the gears in the O2Q/O2M MK5 gearboxes are semi-helical (for strength), so prone to a little more whine than a full helical cut gear (02A/02J MK3/MK4).

A common issue in the manual box (not sure about DSG) is the end case that holds the bearings for the gear shafts can ovalise, which over time can misalign the gear meshing slightly.  In extreme cases this can lead to teeth being stripped off (usually in very high boost / big turbo conversions) but generally if the car is stock or the usual stage1/2 stuff, it just causes noise.

Diff whine (sounds like a tram slowing down and is very loud) on the overrun can be an issue too, but not that common.

Layshaft bearing wear causes a marbles in a tin rattling when hot, which goes when you press the clutch pedal down.  Common.

Thing is, VAG manual gearboxes always have been agricultural and noisy, and hate being rushed.  They can go on for years making these noises with no adverse affects, so it's more of an irritation than a major problem.

Some good info there!

I've noticed though that the mk5 is very quiet in reverse compared to 'most' cars in its' class.. is this again, related to the gear profiles?
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

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Haven't noticed any whining from any of the gears in my 91K old Edition 30.   Something to bear in mind is uprated engine mounts (the side ones especially) will increase noise and vibration quite a lot.   Gearboxes are noisy, rough things and it's mostly that you can feel in the cabin when fitting stiffer mounts.

I've just got a Vibratechnics dogbone, standard side mounts.

Yeah reverse is quiet on these boxes, and syncromeshed.  Older boxes had no syncro (hence the crunch when selecting it) and a cheap straight cut gear since it's hardly used compared to the forward gears.  Manufacturing cost savings and all that.

2007 ED30 | 2009 TDI 140 | 2016 BMW 330D