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Author Topic: Puff of white smoke at start up..  (Read 675 times)


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Puff of white smoke at start up..
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:05:42 pm »
Hi Guys
First sorry my first post is of a sorrow one..

I have a mkv gt tdi 140ps in what is a good condition, 190000 miles but has nearly full VW SH, Just had long life service from VW. (previous owner)

This morning went out to start up and noticed a puff of i think is white smoke for about 3 seconds.
She drives grate other than this. I have a whistle from my turbo at lower rev range and a  bit of owl noise but she pulls in all gears turbo kicks with a good boost about 2000rpm. (original turbo)

Have just ordered vag cable so i can plug car in.

Is this likely to be very expensive, reading up some saying Turbo,Timing, glowplugs,injector,

Any help would be so appreciated guys.

Best Regards Libbylobs