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GTI Forge TWINtake air intake - Review....
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on December 18, 2009, 02:16:38 pm ---so would i jonny but it just looks like they have bolted 2 of these on to make it
not my cup of tea :sick:
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Dont know to be honest, either way, works well, and for me thats what counts! :smiley: Saying that, I appriciate that opinions on aesthetics are a very individual thing.. Just think, someone out there may actually think Susan Boyle is a bit of a fitty :wink:
--- Quote from: jonnyc on December 18, 2009, 03:00:26 pm ---Susan Boyle is a bit of a fitty :wink:
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jonny what the f*** dude?
--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on December 18, 2009, 02:16:38 pm ---
so would i jonny but it just looks like they have bolted 2 of these on to make it
not my cup of tea :sick:
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....I totally understand the Twintake is not your cup of tea but I'm wondering if you've read my rather lengthy explanation of how the Twintake works - But no problem, I don't expect everyone to read it. That eBay universal intake is intended for fitting down low near the foglight position and isn't very clever at all! What happens when some unavoidable standing water quickly floods into that low filter cannister?
i dont think u have looked at that intake correctly Robin it sits up like yours and you put the air inlet any place u like :smiley: like up in the place yours are :smiley: and i know how it works and i am sure forge say its the best thing ever but for me it just looks like it should cost less/cheap looking and i cant explain why but as u say each to there own and i hope u enjoy it :congrats:
--- Quote from: stokeballoon on December 18, 2009, 02:31:44 pm ---
A couple of genuine Q's
what is the reason behind the 2 filter assembly's? Where the 2 airflows meet around the 'Y' piece there must be some turbulent flow there, thus slowing the airflow down?
Are the gains what you expected?
Good review though, and helping others make their mind up is the name of the game.
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....Cheers Dave :happy2:
I think the answers to your questions about why 2 filter assemblies and airflow at the 'Y' junction are in the review under the headings of "TWO INLETS + TWO FILTERS" and "REDUCING RESTRICTIONS".
Are the gains what I expected? - Yes, pretty much spot on although I always try and keep an open mind.
I've been out driving today again and she feels almost as if I've upgraded the remap. Very strong and useful power when applied to overtaking but I have to watch licence-losing territory.
I'm really enjoying the sound too. It's audible but doesn't compete with the Milltek or the Grrrrr from my engine mounts. I do a lot of music sound editing and mixing in the studio and the mix on my car is well balanced.
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