i actually thought the evoms made about 8-12bhp on a k03 from people who have had them and had their car rolling roaded.
....JKM have seen up to +15 bhp on a K03 and up to +20 bhp on K04 on the 2.0T FSI platform.
look forward to seeing some maf readings etc.(will that increase or decrease with more or less boost??) your fuel trim would be nice to see as well
what settings is your revo on RR for the before and after runs,
....As previously posted, I'll post such info when known but am reliant on others with appropriately loaded laptop etc.
Revo settings info already posted in the review.
your old 245hp dyno plot you had @JKM seemed about right for a stage 2 with oem airbox, but your before dyno plot prior to fitting the twintake seems below what i would expect of a stage 2 K03.
....Hence why no rolling-road should be entirely relied upon regarding bhp numbers. What you may "expect" and what is aren't necessarily the same. I've never seen 245 plotted anywhere on my K03 GTI while I had a oem airbox - Only with a Carbonio and also anything from 235-245 according to which Revo stage map, its settings, and conditions on the day. Superchips' Maha rollers said I was running 273 bhp on the Carbonio!

(@ them, not you).
That was the whole point of this Twintake vs Carbonio dyno exercise: To see the
relative gain regardless of max bhp numbers.
The result of my totally independent test on a K03 GTI was +15.5 bhp and some torque. I want to dyno my car at JKM again just to see how the plots shape up after a few hundred miles.